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Planning to Fail?
by Sofia Wolinski, Legal Assistant Treveri Law, PC It is always a good idea to do planning. As Ben Franklin famously said, “if you fail...
Importance of Incapacity Planning
by Sofia Wolinski, Legal Assistant Treveri Law, PC Incapacity planning is the process through which you will create a plan for what...
Business Exit Planning Attorney Karin Foster nominated to Board of Directors of Parker Center for Fa
We are proud and excited to share our news! Please read below! We are happy to share with you SouthWest Legacy Group, LLC. We will have a...
The Kids Are Going Off to College....What Do You Need to Know as a Parent
The long and the short of it is: Your child is considered an adult for all legal purposes including making medical, financial and...
What Every Business Owner Needs to Think About
Written By: Karin Foster, Treveri Law, PC based on “Preparing for Transition” an article by Richard Jackim President of The Exit Planning...
Treveri - the ONLY Attorney in the State to Provide Comprehensive Planning
One of the most exciting parts of owning your own business is the ability to grow and learn. I have been privileged to experience many...
Help for Dealing with a Parent’s Dementia Diagnosis
With the American population living longer, addressing incapacity issues is becoming an increasingly important part of my job at Treveri...
How To Proactively Plan To Reduce the Impact of Caring For Elderly Family Members
After Dad died someone needed to step into his shoes to care for Mom. As the daughter with a large house, older kids and a stable income,...
A REALLY silver lining for all IRA owners in Coronavirus Relief bill
In an effort to alleviate financial burdens for seniors and those directly impacted by the worldwide pandemic of 2020, Congress passed...
Planning during an unexpected Pandemic
“Protect those you love” is our moto at Treveri Law, PC. What does this mean? It means that with life’s unexpected moments, we need to...
A love letter to those you love ...
February 14th every year is a day set aside for telling that special someone that you love them. The holiday has Roman origins which...
Will technology change how you save your digital assets?
When I was growing up, one of our favorite things to do as a family was to set up the TV dinner tables, the slide projector and pile onto...
Why live eyeballs are better ...
According to an article published on the Live[1], last March, two detectives went to a funeral home and asked to see a body....
When Did You Last Update Your Critical Beneficiary Designations?
It’s important to review the beneficiary designations on accounts like life insurance, IRAs and pensions. There have been many cases of...
Don't miss the rush to the Marriage-Exit Door!
Under the 2018 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), any divorce finalized after January 1, 2019 will not allow for the deduction of spousal...
Will your kids, your spouse or your ex get your money? Its all up to you …..
Although not part of the ‘direct estate,’ beneficiary designations are an important part of a person’s overall estate. So when changes...
Beneficiary designation basics
He left all his money to her?!?! Building assets for retirement may seem like challenge enough, but designating beneficiaries to inherit...
Do this when done with your Ex....
When is the last time you updated your beneficiary designations? It's truly amazing the amount of people who have prior spouses or...
A simple checklist to help aging parents
Does your retirement plan include your parents? It probably should. Chances are good that they are counting on you to handle their...
Can an adult child be liable for their parent's medical bills?
Although a nursing home cannot require a child to be personally liable for their parent's nursing home bill, there are circumstances in...
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