"The NMBG lobbyist, Karin Foster, offered an overview of the legislative landscape in Santa Fe. It wasn’t expected to be an active session for beverage alcohol this year, but then two major tax increase bills were introduced that raised the $.41/gal beer excise tax rate to $3.08/gal for breweries that produce more than 15,000 barrels a year.
With a massive unified industry resistance, and a very loud public outcry, the 651% tax increase bills were tabled for this year, but with budget shortfalls impacting not just New Mexico, but most other states as well, brewers are confident this harmful legislation is likely to come up in the next session and future sessions as well.
Karin reassured the community, “The legislature really appreciates the local craft brewing industry. You guys are the darlings. You guys are one of the only growing industries here. The governor is a champion of small brewery businesses, and promises to veto any single piece of legislation that proves harmful to these valued main street businesses".